Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May the Force of Creativity be with You!

Stardate 2016.125.1

(Couldn’t help but acknowledge “May the 4th Be With You day, and all those Star Wars fans!)

Collaboration.  That’s what a lot of us quilters like to do.  We get inspired by the works of others and we gain creative momentum by working with others.  As my sister decided quilting was a hobby that she would enjoy, and as she fancies the more contemporary/modern quilting genres, and as I tend to lean towards a bit more traditional quilting, we thought we’d have some fun and make a quilt for our niece who will be graduating in 2017. 

We started out with each of us picking two or three blocks which we thought might work well together.  Because we are all from Colorado, we decided a pieced Columbine flower block (one of Ruth B. McDowell’s blocks) was a natural fit in a quilt that would be useful, but also memorable for our niece.  For anyone who doesn't know, the Columbine is our State Flower, so we thought it'd help remind her of Colorado, no matter where she went.
One of the blocks which would make it to the final quilt...
 We started off thinking we’d combine the Columbines into a field of Columbines and use pinwheel blocks to blend out the background.  Then, I think, my sister and I both decided getting that quilt pieced together might take longer than we had.  Keep in mind, we started planning the quilt project in 2014 sometime....  So, we’ve been on a long road to what we finally got.  After our revelation, my sister made a mock-up of a quilt that kept some of the Columbines, but introduced some different elements, and she laid them out in a “row” format.   
One of our mock-up designs...

Another mock-up. This is the one we chose, which is laid out in a row format

The quilt became more contemporary/modern, and yet maintained the elements we thought were important. 

We both agreed that a purple and green theme, coupled with yellow, would be an impactful color choice and would make the quilt zing.  We think we achieved that zing - and somehow managed (not on purpose) to pick her school colors.  That's just a bonus...

I think the quilt reminds me of what folks are now dubbing a “row quilt”, where the rows of the quilt are one block or one theme and then enough rows are added to make the quilt as large as needed. 

A shot of the actual quilt...only a few of the rows...
 The weekend before my sister moves to Texas (yes, this is a bit of a bummer), we got together and pieced like mad to get the rows set together and to basically get the quilt top finished before she moved (she didn’t want to have to pack it…which I understand!).  Now, the quilt awaits FMQ by me…no pressure!! 
Here's the actual quilt top...ready for quilting.
 I’ll keep posting progress as my blog will be a main spot where she’ll be able to see the progress on the finishing of the quilt.  I’ve found some light lime green thread and think I’ll quilt mainly with that…we’ll see.  Sometimes, I change my mind as I go (who doesn’t??)…

Now, we’ll look for ways to collaborate over long distance as we are pretty happy with the results, and have another niece graduating in a few years, and it’s never too early to start stirring up ideas. Doing this project together has sure been fun, so we look forward to future collaborations... 
Linking up with Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts - Let's Bee Social...