Monday, November 9, 2015


Stardate 2015.313
Greetings…and welcome to my blog.  Clearly, it’s in its infancy, so I’ll start with the basics.

I am a quilter (boy, it feels good to say that…).

I started many moons ago, and by my math, that means 30+ years I’ve been making some level of quilts.  I’d say I’m more of a traditional quilter, starting off with hand piecing and hand quilting traditional patterns.  My grandmother quilted and I started by putting together quilt tops with the blocks she had left behind (she passed away before I knew her).  I quickly caught the bug and over the years have searched for patterns that challenge me in learning quilting techniques.
I’m moving away from super-traditional quilts, leaning more towards modern and contemporary quilting, but still holding strong to some of those traditional patterns.  I’ve learned to use my Janome 6600 sewing machine for piecing and even free-motion quilting, because I knew my hands wouldn’t forever let me do all the handwork.  So, luckily technology has lent me some assistance, although, I still do some hand piecing and quilting; it’s just more for specific quilts.

So, if I had to categorize my style, I’d say it’s “transitional”, meaning, I still love some of the old patterns, but like to see them in a different, maybe more modern, light.

I’m hoping to show what I’m working on, all the while hoping to offer tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the years and to share different things happening in the world of quilting.  It’s a vast world, so I’ll not even profess to cover it all…but I’ll share what I find interesting and exciting.  I’ll also include links to some of my favorite sites and posts on those sites – after all, when you find a good tutorial, why reinvent the wheel?  

Thanks for joining me on my quilting journey.  Let’s see where we can go…

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